AVRO Canada
AVRO Canada C-102 Jetliner
AVRO Canada CF-100 Canuck
AVRO Canada CF-105 Arrow
Other Avro Canada Aircraft
Avro and Orenda Collectibles
AvroLand's Free Downloads
Avro Related Events
Master Links Page
Other Avro Projects
The people behind the aircraft and engines
The Places Page
AvroLand Site Info
The suppliers
The Wishlist Page

Dedicated to the people and projects of AVRO Canada & Orenda Engines Limited

A.V. Roe Canada Ltd was established in 1945, in 1949 AVRO Canada flew their first aircraft under the new company name - the AVRO Jetliner, over the next decade AVRO Canada was responsible for the CF-100 Canuck, CF-105 Arrow & the AVROCAR (the only official "flying saucer") -- A.V. ROE Canada Limited, Gas Turbine Division later known as Orenda Engines Limited was responsible for the creation of the Chinook Turbine engine Canada's first turbine jet, and the PS-13 Iroquois was the creation of Orenda!

Are you trying to find items for your Avro collection that have not been seen before or something for your loved one? We are working with Canadian aviation artist, Graham Wragg in marketing material that can be customized for your favorite aircraft - in the next while, we hope to post even more samples of his work For more information on items available click on Items for sale on the side menu

AvroLand would like to thank the following people and sites for their KEY assistance in this project:

Michael Deschamps, Karls Arrow and Jetliner Websites, Ron Page, Graham Wragg, Bill Zuk (Check out your local book store / retailer for Bill Zuk's latest books on Avro including a new children's book!)


Past sites of the week

It has now been more than 50 years since the last flight of the CF-105 Avro Arrow which marked the beginning of the end of Avro Canada - we are looking for stories from those who were involved with Avro, Orenda and their suppliers - don't let the stories go untold - we want to hear from you today!

If you have your own website with material related to Avro and would be interested in having AvroLand mirror your content please contact us

Don't forget, you can email us questions while the forums are offline

French and German pages removed until translations are corrected
-We are looking for volunteers interested in translating AvroLand into other languages, please email us if you are interested-

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Jason S. Eldridge

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