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Listing of other units which flew the CF-100

Unit Code Call Sign Locations
#3 AW(F)OTU JF Black Ball North Bay, Cold Lake, Bagotville
Airborne Sensing Unit
Terra Uplands
Avro RL
CF-100's assigned to the CF-105 Arrow weapons evaluation trials carried the code 'RL' (which was also carried by the Arrows) - FAQ: RL stands for Roe Limited
CEPE/AETE FB & PX Musket Cold Lake, Uplands - detachments -> Namao, Fort Churchill, Quebec City, Point Mugu (USA)
EWU/414 EW Sqdn.
Boneyard, Yogi St. Hubert, Uplands, North Bay
Royal Air Force CV
RAF evaluation aircraft
WPU HY Baggage Cold Lake

Thanks to Chris Charland for the following additions:

C.E.P.E. used the code 'FB' until replaced by 'PX'
FB-N (s/n 18103)
FB-F (s/n 18104)
FB-H (s/n 18105)
FB-K (s/n 18106 * Note: The code was allotted to this aircraft after the second prototype crashed
FB-P (s/n 18107)

CF-100's assigned to the CF-105 Arrow weapons evaluation trials carried
the code 'RL' (which was also carried by the Arrows).

The Royal Air Force evaluation aircraft carried the code 'CV'.