Dedicated to the people and projects of AVRO Canada & Orenda Engines
The Suppliers
Aviation Electric
Bendix Aviation Corporation
Bristol Aerospce Limited (Winnipeg) - Overhaul of CF-100's, 50 CF-100
Mk 3s modified to two-place pilot trainers. Tail cones and pipes of Orenda
engines. Canadian Aviation Electronics Ltd
Canadian Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Canadian SKF Company Limited: bearings
Canadian Steel Improvement Limited
Cockfield, Brown & Company Ltd - advertising firm for Avro and Orenda
Computing Devices of Canada Limited
Crystal Glass & Plastics Ltd.
Fleet - CF-100 flaps, ailerons, wing extensions and 6,000 rockets pods
for the 2.5-inch folding-fin rockets. CF-105 instrumentation spline (made
using honeycomb construction techniques, the spline ran along the back
of the plane.
Goodyear Aviation Products
Janitrol Aircraft Division, Surface Combustion Corporation
Lucas-Rotax Ltd. - a subsidiary of two British firms, Joseph Lucas (Gas
Turbine Equipment) Ltd., and Rotax Ltd - one of the Canadian Aircraft
Industry's largest manufactures of ancillary equipment, specialized in
gas turbine fuel systems, electrical, hydraulic and combustion equipment
- at its peak, employment exceeeded 1000, since the cancellation of the
Arrow and its powerplant, the Iroquois employment dwindled to 270 until
the company announced that it would close the 120,000 sq-ft. Scarborough
facility by mid-1963.
Renfrew Aircraft & Engineering Company Limited
Shell Oil Company of Canada, Limited